Nice weather means spending time outdoors with friends and family.

Decks and pergolas are not only a great source of enjoyment during the warmer months but they also add a lot of value to your home throughout the year.

Our Commitment

Our team of professionals takes great pride in their work. We are vested in every project we do and always strive to exceed your expectations. Why? It is because most of our business comes from repeat clients and referrals.

We demonstrate our committment by:

  • Being punctual and arriving on time
  • Maintaining a neat and organized work space
  • Using only quality paint and materials, and
  • Striving for your full satisfaction

Contact us via email or telephone: (413) 253-5111 to schedule your complimentary estimate. Dido, Owner of Etinde Painting, will work with you to find a convenient time to come your home or business. We understand that our clients have busy schedules, so we are happy to arrange early morning or evening appointments. 

We look forward to helping you with your next project!

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